Why Organize?
Organize Every Campus aims to meet the current moment of change and uncertainty in U.S. higher education. To do that, we need a national movement led by higher ed workers — the faculty and staff who make our universities and colleges run.
Organize Every Campus is designed to build rank-and-file engagement, identify and cultivate leaders, and strategize about issue campaigns on campus that you can win. But the challenges we face in higher education go beyond any one individual campus. To turn the tide and reclaim higher education as a public good, we need to join together as part of a national movement that brings our fight to our state houses and to the federal government.
We are building a national organizing movement in higher education by holding intensive skill-building trainings, Organizing Town Halls, and check-ins for seasoned organizers and activist members to learn from one another.
A Note for Advocacy Chapter Members
(Non-Collective Bargaining Units)
Collective power and a voice in our institutions don’t require a union contract—that’s something many of our AAUP Advocacy Chapters know well. Chapters have fought against undue donor influence, privatized presidential searches, and governing board overreach into faculty affairs. They’ve fought for better working conditions for faculty and graduate students. They’ve pushed for greater donor transparency, and formed coalitions with regional labor leaders, campus workers, staff, and students, aiming to improve working conditions for all on campus.
To support organizing work in advocacy chapters, we have launched a two-year pilot dues-sharing program. Learn more here.